As you may have realized, the PHP language revolves around the central theme of practicality. PHP is about providing the programmer with the necessary tools to get the job done in a quick and efficient fashion. Five important characteristics make PHP’s practical nature possible:
• Familiarity
• Simplicity
• Efficiency
• Security
• Flexibility
One final characteristic makes PHP particularly interesting: it’s free!
Programmers from many backgrounds will find themselves already accustomed to the PHP language. Many of the language’s constructs are borrowed from C and Perl, and in many cases PHP code is almost indistinguishable from that found in the typical C or Pascal program. This minimizes the learning curve considerably.
A PHP script can consist of 10,000 lines or one line: whatever you need to get the job done. There is no need to include libraries, special compilation directives, or anything of the sort. The PHP engine simply begins executing the code after the first escape sequence (). If the code is syntactically correct, it will be executed exactly as it is displayed.
Efficiency is an extremely important consideration for working in a multiuser environment such as the WWW. PHP 4.0 introduced resource allocation mechanisms and more pronounced support for object-oriented programming, in addition to session management features. Reference counting has also been introduced in the latest version, eliminating unnecessary memory allocation.
PHP provides developers and administrators with a flexible and efficient set of security safeguards. These safeguards can be divided into two frames of reference: system level and application level.
- System-Level Security Safeguards :
PHP furnishes a number of security mechanisms that administrators can manipulate, providing for the maximum amount of freedom and security when PHP is properly configured. PHP can be run in what is known as safe mode, which can limit users’ attempts to exploit the PHP implementation in many important ways.
Limits can also be placed on maximum execution time and memory usage, which if not controlled can have adverse affects on server performance. Much as with a cgi-bin folder, administrators can also place restrictions on the locations in which users can view and execute PHP scripts and use PHP scripts to view guarded server information, such as the passwd file.
- Application-Level Security Safeguards :
Several trusted data encryption options are supported in PHP’s predefined function set. PHP is also compatible with many third-party applications, allowing for easy-integration with secure ecommerce technologies. Another advantage is that the PHP source code is not viewable through the browser because the script is completely parsed before it is sent back to the requesting user. This benefit of PHP’s server-side architecture prevents the loss of creative scripts to users at least knowledgeable enough to execute a ‘View Source’. Security is such an important issue that this book contains an entire chapter on the subject.
Because PHP is an embedded language, it is extremely flexible towards meeting the needs of the developer. Although PHP is generally touted as being used in conjunction solely with HTML, it can also be integrated alongside languages like JavaScript, WML, XML, and many others. Additionally, as with most other mainstream languages, isely planned PHP applications can be easily expanded as needed.
Browser dependency is not an issue because PHP scripts are compiled entirely on the server side before being sent to the user. In fact, PHP scripts can be sent to just about any kind of device containing a browser, including cell phones, personal digital assistant (PDA) devices, pagers, laptops, not to mention the traditional PC. People who want to develop shell-based applications can also execute PHP from the command line.
Since PHP contains no server-specific code, users are not limited to a specific and perhaps unfamiliar Web server. Apache, Microsoft IIs, Netscape Enterprise Server, Stronghold, and Zeus are all fair game for PHP’s server integration. Because of the various platforms that these servers operate on, PHP is largely platform independent, available for such platforms as UNIX, Solaris, FreeBSD, and Windows 95/98/NT.
Finally, PHP offers access to external components, such as Enterprise Java Beans and Win32 COM objects. These newly added features put PHP in the big league, truly enabling developers to scale PHP projects upward and outward as need be. An Introduction to PHP 7
The open source development strategy has gained considerable notoriety in the software industry. The prospect of releasing source code to the masses has resulted in undeniably positive outcomes for many projects, perhaps most notably Linux, although the success of the Apache project has certainly been a major contributor in proving the validity of the open source ideal. The same holds true for the developmental history of PHP, as users worldwide have been a huge factor in the advancement of the PHP project.
PHP’s embracing of this open source strategy result in great performance gains for users, and the code is available free of charge. Additionally, an extremely receptive user community numbering in the thousands acts as “customer support,” providing answers to even the most arcane questions in popular online discussion groups.
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