Sharing With Passion

July 09, 2012

Posted by Sabar Santoso in , , , | July 09, 2012 No comments

The Java Swing provides the multiple platform independent APIs interfaces for interacting between the users and GUIs components. All Java Swing classes imports form the import javax.swing.*; package. Java provides an interactive features for design the GUIs toolkit or components like: labels, buttons, text boxes, checkboxes, combo boxes, panels and sliders etc. All AWT flexible components can be handled by the Java Swing. The Java Swing supports the plugging between the look and feel features. The look and feel that means the dramatically changing in the component like JFrame, JWindow, JDialog etc. for viewing it into the several types of window.
Here the following APIs interfaces and classes are available:
The following interfaces and it's descriptions to be used by the Java swing.
ActionThis interface performed the action with the ActionListenerwhere the multiple controls are used for same purposes.
BoundedRangeModelThis interface defines the data model of components like: sliders and progressBars.
ButtonModelIt defines the state model for the buttons like: radio buttons, check boxes etc.
CellEditorThis interface used by the developer for creating the new editor and it has the new components implement interfaces. TheCellEditor implements the wrapper based approach.
ComboBoxEditorIn this interface, the editor component used to JComboBoxcomponents.
ComboBoxModelThis interface represents the data model in a list model with the selected items.
DesktopManagerThis interface has JDesktopPane object. The JInternalFrameimplements in the JDesktopPane with the help of DesktopManager.
IconThis interface used to graphical representation of the components. It has fixed size picture.
JComboBox.KeySelectionManagerThis interface has KeySelectionManager and used for the combo box data model.
ListCellRendererThis interface used for paint the cell in the list with the help of "rubber stamps" .
ListModelThis interface used for JList components method. It gets the value of each cell of list.
ListSelectionModelThis interface indicates the components, which are stable or not.
MenuElementThis interface used where the any components are implements in the menu.
MutableComboBoxModelThis interface extends from the ComboBoxModel. It is a mutable version of ComboBoxModel.
RendererIt defines the requirements of an object for displaying the values.
RootPaneContainerThis interface uses the RootPane properties and it has the components like: JFrame, JInternalFrame and JWindow etc.
ScrollableThis interface provides the scrolling to show the large amount of data with the help of JScrollPane.
ScrollPaneConstantsThis interface used for JScrollPane components.
SingleSelectionModelThis interface used to select the one index in a model.
SwingConstantsYou can set the components on the screen to own requirements.
UIDefaults.ActiveValueIt constructs the DefaultListCellRenderer.
UIDefaults.LazyValueThis enables one to store an entry in the default table. The entered value is not constructed until first time is a real value is created through it using LazyValue.createValue() method.
WindowConstantsThis interface has two methods setDefaultCloseOperation and getDefaultCloseOperation and provides the window close opration.
The following classes and it's descriptions to be used by the Java swing.
AbstractActionThis class handles the any types of action and provides JFC Action interface.
AbstractButtonThis class defines the nature of buttons and menu items.
AbstractCellEditorIt provides a list and contents of the data model.
AbstractListModelThis class defines the data model which provides the list with its contents.
ActionMapThis class works with InputMap and performs any action when the key is pressed.
BorderFactoryThis class extends from Object and creates the Border instance in the factory.
BoxIt provides the fixed spaces between two components and uses the BoxLayout object of the layout manager.
Box.FillerThis class participates in the Layout and uses the lightweight components.
BoxLayoutThis class uses the arranging the multiple components either horizontally or vertically. The Box container uses this class.
ButtonGroupThis class used to create the multiple buttons in aButtonGroup object.
CellRandererPaneThis class used to insert the components like: JList, JTable and JTree.
ComponentInputMapThis class has ComponentInputMap constructor and creates the components with the help of InpuMap.
DebugGraphicsIt extends from the Graphics and used to debug the graphics
DefaultBoundedRangeModelThis class provides the implementation of default BoundedRangeModel.
DefaultButtonModelThis class implements the generic ButtonModel.
DefaultCellEditorIt implements the TableCellEditor and TreeCellEditor for the table and tree cells.
DefaultComboBoxModelIt provides the default model for combo boxes.
DefaultDesktopManagerIt implements the DesktopManager. The DesktopManager has the JInternalFrame for creating the internal fame in a frame.
DefaultFocusManagerIt provides the implementing the FocusManager.
DefaultListCellRandererIt implements the default ListCellRanderer.
DefaultListCellRanderer.UIResourceThis extends the DefaultListCellRanderer and implementing in the UIResource.
DefaultListModelIt extends the AbstractListModel and implementing thejava.util.Vector.
DefaultListSelectionModelThis class used for select the list in a data model.
DefaultSingleSelectionModelThis class provides the default SingleSelectionModel.
FocusManagerIt handles all focus like: gainedFocus and lostFocus.
GrayFilterIt extends the RGBImageFilter and used for disabling the image through the button.
ImageIconThis class implements the Icon and paints the icons from the images.
InputMapThis class uses the ActionMap to performed the action when you press any key of keyboard. It bounds data between the input event and an object.
InputVerifierThis class helps you when you works with the text fields through the focus.
JAppletThis class extends the Applet and implements the Accessibleand RootPaneContainer.
JButtonThis class extends the AbstractButton and you can create the new button.
JCheckBoxThis class extends the JToggleButton and implements the check box in which buttons are selected or deselected.
JCheckBoxMenuItemIt extends the JMenuItem and determines the items which is selected or deselected.
JColorChooserIt extends the JComponent and implementing the Accessable. Here, you choose and manipulate the colors.
JComboBoxThis class extends the JComboBox. It provides the drop-down list where user select only one item or value at a time. But combo box is a combination of multiple text or buttons etc.
JComponentIn java swing, All components are used the JComponent except the top-level containers like: JFrame, JDialog etc.
JDesktopPaneThis class extends the JLayeredPane and when you create the object of JInternalFrame to be maintained in the JDesktopPane. The JDesktopPane has DesktopManager.
JDialogIt extends the Dialog. This class used to create the dialog window and when you want to create the custom dialog window with the help of JOptionPane method.
JEditorPaneThis class extends the JTextComponent. It edits the component by the EditorKit.
JFileChooserThis class provides the facility to choosing the file.
JFrameIt extends the Frame and supports the swing components architecture.
JInternalFrameThis class extends from the JComponent and provides the facility to dragging, closing, resizing and menu bar of the internal frame. The JInternalFrame added into the JDesktopPane.
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIconIt displays the desktop icon and create the instance of JInternalFrame and iconify.
JLabelThis class used to show the small text and image.
JLayeredPaneIt has JFC/Swing container that can be used to overlap the components to each other.
JListThis class used to create a list where you select the one or more than objects.
JMenuThis class used to create a new menu where you add the JMenuItems. When you select the item then shows the popup menu items in the JMenuBar.
JMenuBarIt used to create a new menu bar where the JMenu objects are added.
JMenuItemThis class used to create new menu items in the mebus.
JOptionPaneIt used to create some different types of dialog box like: message dialog box, error dialog box etc.
JPanelIt extends the JComponent and used to create a new panel.
JPassworkFieldIt provides the single line text editing. Here, don't available the original characters but view type indication characters are available.
JPopupMenuThis class used to create a popup menu. It provides small window where the various types of choices are available.
JPopupMenu.SeparatorHere the popup menu and the separator are available.
JProgressBarIt shows the integer types values in percent within a bounded range to determine the working process.
JRadioButtonIt implements the radio button and shows the state of an item selected or deselected.
JRadioButtonMenuItemIt extends the JMenuItem and implements the radio button menu item
JRootPaneThis class provides the component behind the scenes by JFrame, JWindow, JDialog etc. for providing the task-orientation and functionality.
JScrollBarThis class used to create a scroll bar. It provides the view content area where you show the content to scroll this.
JScrollPaneIt provides the scrollable view components.
JSeparatorThis class use the separator among the components.
JSliderThis class provides a control to represent a numeric value by dragging the slider.
JSplitPaneThis class used to divides the two components graphically like: top and button, left and right.
JTabbedPaneThis class provides the tab component through which you can switch from one component to another component regarding to the specific tab button by clicking on that.
JTableIt provides the user interface component and represents the two dimensional data.
JTextAreaIt provides the multi line plain text area.
JTextFieldIt provides the facility to editing the text in a single line.
JTextPaneThis class provides the component like JTexArea for multiple lines text with more capabalities.
JToggleButtonIt implements two state button that means selected or deselected.
JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModelIt extends the DefaultButtonModel and provides theToggleButton model.
JToolBarIt provides set of command buttons icons that performs the different actions or controls.
JToolBar.SeparatorIt provides the tool bar separator.
JToolTipIt shows the tool tips related to it's components.
JTreeIt shows the data in a hierarchical way.
JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNodeThis extends the DefaultMutableTreeNode and create children nodes.
JTree.EmptySelectionModelIt does not allows the any selection.
JViewPortIt gives you about the underlying information.
JWindowIt extends window and shows the any location or area on the desktop. It couldn't any title bar and window management buttons.
KeyStrokeThis class controls the key events on the keyboard for the equivalent device.
LayoutFocusTraversalPolicyThis class conducts the sorting objects according to their size, type, position or orientation.
LookAndFeelIt provides the dramatically changes in the component like frame related to the graphics for the application. Through this the application can be done very efficient and easier.
MenuSelectionManagerIt has menu selection hierarchy.
OverlayLayoutThe layout manager arrange the components.
ProgressMonitorThis class is used to monitoring the progress of any operation to be done.
ProgressMonitorInputStreamThis class creates a progress monitor to monitor the progress of reading input from the input stream. It cleanups all the rights when the stream is closed.
RepaintManagerThis class manage and override the repaint requests.
ScrollPaneLayoutIt implements the LayoutManager and manage the components like: scroll bar, row header, column header etc.
ScrollPaneLayout.UIResourceIt extends the ScrollPaneLayout and implements theUIResource.
SizeRequirementsIt calculates the size and positions of components.
SizeSequenceIt represents the order list of size and it's positions.
SwingUtilitiesThis class has utilities methods for swing.
TimerActions perform the predefined rate.
ToolTipManagerIt manages the all tool tips.
UIDefaultsIt extends the Hashtable and you set/get the value with the help of UIManager.
UIDefaults.LazyInputMapThis class creates a Input Map through it's createValue() method. The array of key after binding is passed to the constructor of this. Example of binding of key is array of pressing key information (e.g. ctrl + c or alt + f).
UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValueThis class is used to create a lazy value which is used to delay loading of the class to create instance for that.
UIManagerThis class has track of the current look and feel details.
UIManager.LookAndFeelInfoThis is the nested class of UIManager class i.e. used for getting information about all the look and feels installed with the software development kit.
ViewportLayoutIt implements the LayoutManager and defines the policy for the layout.


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